postponed to Fall 24
In our upcoming salon, we will delve into and experience how plastic has become part of our life, our environment and our bodies. As a guest, you'll have the opportunity to gain personal insight into Robert’s micro-plastic project, Lost & Found, while exploring with your senses, how plastic tastes, feels and sounds when ingested. Of course, this exploration will be conducted in an abstracted, conceptual manner. Rest assured, the real food served will be deliciously prepared, organic, and hopefully free of PEs, PPs, PSs, or PETs.
About Lost & Found: In 2020, Robert collected plastic particles, sand, and seawater from a beach on the small, nearly uninhabited Greek island of Yalis. He injected these materials into a handwoven carpet made of several hundred meters of PVC tubes using a syringe. By filling the hollow spaces with this polluted mix, the PVC tubes transformed into an apparently precious material. Bubbles of trapped air, knots, unequally spaced strands, and overlapping sections allowed various intensities of light to shine through, creating shadows, ripples, and levels of transparency. Within the tubes, the sand sank into the seawater while the plastic particles rose up and blocked each other, creating a random pattern. the dinner
Our "Experience dinners" are conducted by food artist Kit Schulte and others. It is an immersive dining event that goes beyond simply eating a meal and is designed to engage all the senses. But always: delicious, filling and sensual, prepared with fresh and exquisite produce, accompanied by fine drinks.
Included is:
Kit Schulte
Modern German Food